Saturday, November 27, 2010


Went to Midvalley today=] Shop till I drop!! Haha, not exactly, just tried out all the expensive clothes and put it back XP Even my mum scolded me :"You so free ar?!" Really free what. Lol.. Anyway, bought my cousin Christmas present from S&J, no one, really no one will ever imagined I'll give him that. Hahaha. Hope he like it la, so it's not a waste of money=]

Plan for tomorrow : Shopping again, I think. Then in the evening, my mum's cousin's wedding. It will be a total grand ceremony, can't wait to go=D Then Monday, shopping with friends again. Lol, I'm a real shopaholic!

BTW, 'Stay Beautiful', 'Should've Say No' and 'Back To December' by Taylor Swift is way nice! Especially 'Back To December' =]