Friday, July 23, 2010


Exam's finally over!
But seems quite horrible><
Never mind,
Don't wanna think about it anymore^^
Tomorrow night..
Is prom night..
I put my mask already..^^
This mask not bad..
And I love the wrapper design,
Very nice..

My high heels is higher than Lin's.
Hope I won't sprain my ankle><
Actually it's not mine..
It's my mum's.
Same size..

And shockingly,
My huge earring..
5cm in diameter..
Round obviously..

Tomorrow morning got curriculum,
Hope I won't be tired before going to prom,
At first I was kinda thinking of having a nap
when I get back from school..
But think again..
I don't think I'll be able to sleep..
'Cause I'm the excited kind of girl..
Being excited about almost everything..
Even just baking cake..
I'm kinda weird right?
Too excited for everything..