Friday, May 20, 2011

Shut up!!

C'mon la, can you just shut the hell up?! Don't you teach me how I handle my life and my time, don't even think of meddling them. You think I can't solve my own probs? Dude, if I can't, you think you can? HAHA, yeah, right. I know my own conditions, I know how to solve certain circumstances, don't bug in if you don't understand the situation!

So what if I pay more attention on that? I ♥ it, I enjoy doing it, does it offend you? Does it annoy you? Does it irritate you? If your answer is YES, why is that so? And if your answer is NO, get the hell out off my life! You thought you're that successful, but you don't know what's on others' mind. You're disappointed in me, yeah, I'm even disappointed in you!

Have you ever listened? Have you ever tried to understand? I guess it's a NO. You always thought you're right, thought that you're so good that you can change everything, you even want everyone and everything to follow your way. And you know what, that ain't happening on me, I ain't compromising. Teacher once said, mean is the new kind, I should let you know how terrible you are so that you will not go bad to worse. So I'm telling you now, you look down on people, you never listen, you always want things to go your way, and I think you even hate me. So, you suck!